Thursday, November 16, 2006

THEOCONS and The Conservative Soul

These 2 new books offer a timely and cogent analysis of how right wing's war on secularism has poisoned the republican party. My hope is that this is the start of a trend with influential conservatives finally renouncing this deal with the devil that was signed after Ronald Reagan lost the 1976 republican presidential primary. It was in those ashes that the party joined forces with what was then the moral majority -- aka The religious right.

As Andrew Sullivan states in The Conservative Soul, today's republican party is an entirely new coalition, having little to do with the conservative/republican coalition of the Goldwater era. Can a new governing coalition, merging libertarian values of strong defense, minimal governmental intrusion, fiscal soundness, low taxes, and full protection of individual rights, re-emerge in the republican party, or will a new party have to emerge to represent the values of the majority of American citizens who don't feel well represented by either the democrat or republican partys?

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Zell Miller keynote Address

Too hot or right on?